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Exotic Magazine

May 2024

Vol 31 No 11







May 2024 PINUP May 2024 Pinup May 2024 Pinup

Kiki from Hawthorne Strip


May Day! May Day! Six Times Air Travel Use Caught Up With Rock Stars and Killed Them!

by Blazer Sparrow

May Day! May Day! Six Times Air Travel Use Caught Up With Rock Stars and Killed Them!

There are plenty of hit pieces, TikToks, pamphlets, gaudy biopics, poorly-written autobiographies, poorly-written biographies, and after-school specials about the dangers of drug and alcohol use and how they derailed the careers of otherwise upstanding and good-natured musicians. We're all well aware of how they were the pinnacle of virtue and inspiration, and then after one sip of booze or one snort of blow, it was straight to the gutter, in a bum's outfit with alimony bills stuffed in their pockets. We don't need to waste any more words on those cautionary tales, especially not in a magazine that mostly consists of naked women that you're reading in a bar...

The New Road House

by Nate Hazen

The New Road House

Note: I'll try to keep spoilers to a minimum, but truth be told, I'm probably not going to try very hard. I assume anybody who gives a shit about Road House has already seen both versions at least a handful of times by now.

When I learned a few months ago that a remake of Road House, starring Jake Gyllenhaal as Dalton, was in the works, I immediately knew I'd be writing about it once it was released. Those of you who have been reading my shit since I started writing for Exotic last summer might recall a piece that I wrote in July, praising Swayze’s Dalton for his approach to bouncer work (The Dalton Approach, July 2023). People who know me well know how much I love the original...

The Weirdo at the Bar

by Hannah One Cup

The Weirdo at the Bar

I had an experience recently at a local beer store….er bar, which prompted me to write an article about it, specifically because my partner did not understand why it made me feel the way it had, which was, in the politest way of putting this, uncomfortable.

The thing that bothered me most was that my partner did not understand why this made me so uncomfortable because, to him and many other individuals of the “masculine” type, this situation could be easily brushed off and never thought of again. Unfortunately, for myself and many other individuals out there (males not excluded here), this type of thing happens so frequently that you almost don't feel like going out anymore—just because trying to make the situation not happen takes more effort than it did to put on an outfit that day (which is a feat for me some days, let me tell you)...

The History of the Taco

by Wombstretcha the Magnificent

The History of the Taco

Tacos! Everyone loves them. That's a straight fact. We can argue for days over what actually belongs in a taco, but no matter who you are, there's one for you...vegan tacos, vegetarian tacos, gluten-free tacos (which would really just be a corn tortilla taco) and tacos for people who eat anything and everything. The taco is a simple concept: a tortilla of some kind with things inside it. We all know what it is, and it's a staple of handy meals, from breakfast to lunch, dinner, and even dessert (Choco Taco!) There's no wrong time to eat a taco—or six. However, where did they come from, and when? Well, since it's May (which is officially taco month*) and this is the time wherein the most tacos are consumed**, we're going to explore this. Let's tac-go!

If you asked most people where tacos are from, they'd say Mexico. They would be right. It seems, according to my research, that they indeed originated in Mexico hundreds of years ago. The form factor, however, has changed a bit over time before becoming the familiar tasty food we know today...


Erotic City

Erotic City

by Bryan A. Bybee

I’ll get right to task this month, as space is limited! You all know I like to start with birthdays, and we have no shortage this month… The celebrations start at Union Jacks on Thursday, May 2, for Franki’s Birthday Party! Just a couple of days later, on Saturday, May 4, Julie will celebrate her Star Wars-themed Birthday Bash at Guilty Pleasures. Then, on Friday, May 10, it's Fawn's Birthday Party at Union Jacks. The very next day, on Saturday, May 11, there's a birthday remembrance right back at Union Jacks. Happy Heavenly Birthday to Ilya, the beloved founder! Wrapping up birthdays for May, we have Maddi Ray's Birthday Party at Cheetahs in Salem on May 24! Happy Birthday to you all&mdash...

Polerotica 2024: Rounds 1-3

Polerotica 2024: Rounds 1-3 City

by Bryan A. Bybee

Semi-SFW recap of the first three rounds...


Polerotica 2024

As always, stay tuned to Erotic City for updates.



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