Exotic Magazine

Exotic Magazine - Issue 340

Volume 29 - Number 12 (June 2022)

Exotic Magazine PDF - June 2022 Exotic Pinup

The Gritty Graffiti of Ancient Rome

by Wombstretcha

The Gritty Graffiti of Ancient Rome

When we conjure images of ancient Roman culture, we think of gladiator fights, togas, warriors with funny hats, giant mosaics, huge public baths, mind-boggling architecture, and emperors getting stabbed. We also think of Pompeii: the city swallowed by a volcano when Mount Vesuvius erupted around 79 AD.

The curious thing about Pompeii, and its sister city of Herculaneum, is that the volcanic ash very nearly perfectly preserved things as they were nearly 2,000 years ago. People and animals fixed in place, like slightly morbid statues, to serve as memories of times nobody can recall.

From this, we learned about their culture, their habits, their general way of life, and the city they built for themselves. We also learned about some other things... You see, when excavating this wondrous find from antiquity, unearthing artifacts and buildings to learn about these people, we also found antique graffiti...

Three Portland-Centric Music Festival Ideas To Kick-Start The Summer

by Blazer Sparrow

Three Portland-Centric Music Festival Ideas To Kick-Start The Summer

I feel like last year, I was revving up for this sort of article to help us break out of the dark shadow of the dystopian nightmare that was the world-crippling plague. We needed a hot girl summer on fucking steroids to help undo—or at least distract us from—worldwide trauma, deaths, loss of livelihoods, etc. For like five seconds, it looked like it was safe to crawl out of the cave and wave our genitals at the sun. But alas, too many folks thought the vaccine would make their dick fall off, and COVID came back with a righteous left hook. It didn’t knock us out, but it did put us down for a spell. Before you know it, holy crap, here we are at the second summer where we’re coming out of the haze of an unprecedented global health crisis. Like, didn’t we just do this?

I stand by my idea last year of having an all-nude music festival out on Collins Beach on Sauvie Island. That still needs to happen. However, if this is indeed the end of COVID-life, I think it’ll take more than just one bareback, sandy-butts-and-boobs fest to help celebrate the end of a truly shit era.

Summer is festival season, and this is the time when every city is trying to do its own regionally-flavored Coachella. Since Sasquatch died and Coachella has basically become an Instagram content generator for fashion, there’s definitely room for another city to pick up the torch. Why not Portland?

Before you @ me with South By Southwest, Bumbershoot, or Treefort, I think those are their own animal of festival with tech, film, and other stuff. I’m talking specifically music (and obviously, skimpy outfits.) We need a Pacific Northwest Lollapalooza. An urban answer to Pickathon...

Weird Laws Still In The Books for the PNW

by Hannah One Cup

Weird Laws Still In The Books for the PNW

The things you can be arrested for are constantly growing. It’s not surprising since people are always doing idiotic things and finding new, stupid ways to get themselves attention from the cops. However, sometimes, there are laws that make their way into the books (somehow) and never, ever leave. They remain intact in the law books for generations, and no one says boo. For example, in the state of Washington, you could still (technically) be fined for buying meat, of any kind, on Sunday. Does this still happen? Do people still get fined for buying a steak for their grill on Sunday? No...but that doesn’t stop the law from still sticking around. Just in case a cop was, I guess, really bored one day or had to meet quota, the law stays written as fact. Also, it apparently takes a really, really, really long time to remove laws from the books, which is funny as it doesn’t seem to take as much effort to put them there in the first place, no matter how absurd it is.

So, with that said, let’s go into some strange laws in both Oregon and Washington that are still, to this day, written in stone...

Diary of a Pet Fiend: Memoirs of a Veterinary Assistant [Part 3]

by Esmeralda Rupp-Spangle

Diary of a Pet Fiend: Memoirs of a Veterinary Assistant [Part 3]

Welcome, friends, to the final installment of my harrowing tale of mammalian mischief and avian antics. If you’re just arriving, I’ll preface simply by saying this journal of the bizarre experiences I was lucky enough to live through is about two decades old but, in many ways, as fresh in my mind as though it was all yesterday. Being a vet assistant was probably the best and worst job I’ve ever had—certainly the most memorable...

Erotic City

by Bryan A. Bybee & Barnaby Bandini

Erotic City

Local industry news and events...

Exotic Pin-Up

photos by Hypnox

Exotic Pin-Up

Featuring Natas Marie from Columbia Strip...

Polerotica Recap: Rounds 4-7

photos by Hypnox

Polerotica Recap: Rounds 4-7

Photos from the first three rounds...