HRC, Inc.

by Andy Norris

Author’s note: for those reading this in the future, this story was submitted months before Hillary Clinton officially entered the presidential race.

My, oh my! Hillary Clinton—or HRC, Inc. as I like to call the Clinton brand—is the presidential nominee for the Democratic Party! Was this second "breaking of the glass ceiling" moment a magical, organic event in American history? Or, was the nomination of HRC, Inc. planned years ago, by the deep-state establishment members of the Democratic National Committee?

In 2016, the majority of the delegates went to HRC, Inc. and the Bernie people were pissed—and, rightly so. Sanders got the popular vote of the Democratic Party members, but the deep-state establishment members of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) refused to let him be the nominee. Before we look at what happened during the 2020 race for the Democratic presidential nomination, let’s examine how HRC, Inc. stole the nomination from Bernie the first time around.

That year, the DNC split the delegate vote 50/50, with 50% of the delegates coming from the millions of registered Democrats and the other 50% from the so-called Super Delegates. The Super Delegates are party establishment members, handpicked by the DNC to support establishment candidates and are comprised of various Democratic governors, senators, congresspeople and the like. A basic understanding of mathematics will tell you that under this system—despite the debates, media circus and endless pundits weighing in on the race—the people of the Democratic Party don’t choose the presidential nominee for the Democrats—it’s the Super Delegates who pick the nominee. For example, here in Oregon, Sanders was the clear choice of the people. But, Super Delegates, such as Senator Ron Wyden and Representative Earl Blumenauer, ignored the will of their own constituents and instead chose to install HRC, Inc. as the nominee. Once it all played out at the convention, the Bernie people realized HRC, Inc. and DNC stole the nomination from their guy (and, they were angry as hell).

But, wait! Didn’t the Bernie people demand a fix from the DNC the last time around? Yes, they did. But, the fix wasn’t a fix—it was a fix.

Creating the illusion of conceding to the Bernie people, the deep-state DNC members came up with a plan to keep the Bernie Bros and Sisses temporarily happy, but out of the running for 2020. The new rules state that if no single candidate gets 50% or more of the popular delegate vote, only then will the Super Delegates vote. If you were a deep-state DNC member intent on keeping the Democratic power structure intact, what do you do? You’d whisper into a few ears and run a shit-ton of candidates, whisper into those ears again about policy positions and make damn sure none of them got 50% of the vote. Then, the Super Delegates can come in with their vote and choose the (pro-war, pro-Wall Street, anti-YOU) establishment candidate. In this case, that candidate is, once again, HRC, Inc. Ladies and gentlemen, this was planned years ago. Watching it play out is surreal—almost as surreal as watching an entire nation forget that three World Trade Center buildings fell on September 11, 2001.

Last July, I explained to a friend how HRC, Inc. was going to steal the presidential nomination from Bernie again. He didn’t buy it and we bet $100. By the time this article comes out, I should have collected that money and spent it on a lap dance—thank you, Ivy! Hillary’s health was a huge concern on the campaign trail leading up to 2016, as the 70-year old expended massive amounts of time and energy trying to beat Trump. She had fainting spells, apparent convulsions, fell a couple of times and was constantly followed by an undercover, black ambulance-van. What better way for the deep-state candidate to go after Trump the next time around, than to save her energy, skip the pesky nomination process and pop in at the last possible moment? This is easily accomplished when the Super Delegates are on your side and that is exactly what Hillary did. She spent the years leading up to the 2020 race going on Howard Stern and other talk shows and podcasts, writing a book, then casually going on a book tour with with her daughter, Chelsea. On her book tour stop in Portland, Cheryl Strayed crowed enthusiastically, "Why don’t you run?" I loved Wild the book, but fuck you, Cheryl. The people picked Bernie, not your fascistic, sociopathic, mass-murdering, anti-woman, anti-human, deep-state droid. And, I find it super disappointing to see you fall under that military-industrialist warmonger swine’s spell. You say you want a woman for president? Great! Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard—an anti-war, true feminist, pro-human, pre-environmentalist woman of color—was in the running for the Democratic presidential nomination, when you decided to throw your weight behind HRC, Inc.

When you look at the entire presidential candidate nomination process of the Democratic Party through this lens, it’s easy to get really fucking angry. What about all of you who worked your asses off to support Warren, Yang or Sanders? It was all for naught, because the entire time you were entrusting those folks with your hopes and dreams, the party establishment already knew HRC, Inc. was going to get the nod. The DNC was making sure your candidates were never going to win. To say the DNC let you down is an understatement. Unknowingly, you did all of that work on their behalf. They needed all of your candidates, so none of them would reach 50% of the popular delegate count. You helped make sure HRC, Inc. got the nomination. The same is true with impeachment. There was never going to be a conviction. It was Clinton-connected. CIA whistleblowers and lawyers were trying to beat up Trump in order to help Hillary win the presidency in 2020. Your "IMPEACH TRUMP" bumper sticker was really a "HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT" bumper sticker—a bitter pill to swallow for the anti-Clinton Bernie folks who were stoked on impeachment.

How can people in power do things like steal presidential nominations and facilitate the amnesia of an entire nation? When your brand (HRC, Inc. in this case) has billions of dollars of support from the most nefarious sectors of society and generations upon generations of family members and associates working to keep the power structure intact, amazing things can be accomplished. Warren Zevon knows how it works: lawyers, guns and money.

So, we may have our first female president. I wish it were Cynthia McKinney or Tulsi Gabbard or someone who is a true feminist, humanitarian and environmentalist. Instead, we have yet another member of the Bush/Clinton crime family lying, cheating and stealing their way in yet another attempt to ascend to the highest office in the land.

Andy Norris is a writer and filmmaker living in the Pacific Northwest. His political documentary Targeting Iran can be seen on

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