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Exotic Magazine

Exotic Magazine - Issue 323

Volume 28 - Number 3 (September, 2020)

Exotic Pinup Exotic Magazine Ebook - September 2020

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Medical Maladies Of The Wacky Kind

by Esmeralda Rupp-Spangle

Medical Maladies Of The Wacky Kind

Time stretches between you and infinity—a seemingly endless loop of reruns, bottles of cheap wine and not putting on pants unless absolutely necessary. Maybe, you’re even still "lucky" enough to be working. They call you “essential,” but you’re just boxing up giant black dildos at a factory in a bleak, nearlyabandoned industrial zone. Maybe you’ve been laid off, now spending your days overfeeding the goldfish (and, seeing how much solitary confinement it takes before your mind snaps like a twig in the jaws of the void). At first, you posted cute lil’ “quarantine crazy” videos of putting googly eyes on your Roomba, but now it’s—as they say—getting real...

Vote By Bitcoin To Save The Electoral Process!

by Ray McMillin

Vote By Bitcoin To Save The Electoral Process!

Okay, that’s a clickbait header, but the technology behind Bitcoin—known as blockchain—can literally fix the election process overnight (or, at least, the second that a stable blockchain is up and running).

Last year (in this very publication, I believe), I suggested that blockchain could fix voter fraud. Some dorks in the crypto space told me that this was too complicated of an idea to sell to the masses. Flash forward to last month, and, according to Coindesk, the USPS is applying for a patent...

The Monthly Column: Nature’s Eight Worst Creatures

by Wombstretcha

The Monthly Column: Nature’s Eight Worst Creatures

People are always talking about animals. We have entire television networks dedicated to watching animals and having commentary on their behavior. However, most of these channels and programs focus on their habits—or the plight of their conservation—as opposed to whether or not they’re actually any good...

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Tales From The DJ Booth: Now Hiring (Jobs For Former Strip Club DJs)

by DJ HazMatt

Tales From The DJ Booth:  Now Hiring (Jobs For Former Strip Club DJs)

Years ago, after working as a dance commander for over a decade, I decided to hang up the mic and apply myself in other areas (and states), to see if the skills I learned in the strip club DJ booth would be applicable elsewhere. As it turns out, they kind of are—weddings share more in common with nude bars than they do any other ceremony (weird father-daughter elements, drunk chicks taking their clothes off to '80s music, strangers giving money to a hot lady before she leaves with some other dude, tons of alcohol, etc.), and night clubs are finally adopting the "bitches, money, swag, repeat" format that has been popular in our neck of the poles for years. Thus, it was quick and easy to pick up shifts outside of the "urban dance studios for marginalized, at-risk and tattooed youth" (always play up your old gig on job applications)...

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Erotic City

by Ray McMillin

Erotic City

Local industry news and events...

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Exotic Pin-Up

photos by Hypnox

Exotic Pin-Up

Featuring Isabelle from Hawthorne Strip...

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Ask A Bartender: Everyone’s Uncertain Future & Up In The Air

by DiscountTherapist

Ask A Bartender: Everyone’s Uncertain Future & Up In The Air

I’m writing to get your take on something that has myself—plus, a lot of my friends and colleagues—thinking. I’m hoping that, as a fellow service industry professional, you can give your personal take on this.

The impact of COVID-19 has laid bare the vulnerabilities and issues within the hospitality industry. We, as a community, are not immune to this sort of disaster and I know it has a lot of us thinking about what the future of our livelihood—and, our community—looks like. It took me years to become okay with the idea that I may be a career bartender and I even have laid plans to open my own bar someday soon. Now, I feel like the rug has been pulled out from under me. It’s gotten me considering saying "fuck it" and pursuing another field entirely. My question is, do you think I’m being dramatic? Is it better to play it safe and get an early start on a new career, or is this me abandoning ship?

I can’t imagine my life without the community around me and I also don’t want to hear a hearty "I told you so" from those that don’t believe what we do is real work.


- Up In The Air

Dear Up In The Air...

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Blazer University’s MFA In Music Snobbery

by Blazer Sparrow

Blazer University’s MFA In Music Snobbery

What a time to be alive, am I right?! After a three-month coke bender (well-documented in my last editorial), I am now out of money, unemployment has run out and bars and businesses are boarding up left and right. The unprecedented global pandemic is only partly to blame, too. We should all know that rampant, unregulated capitalism is mostly at fault for laying the flimsiest of foundations for us peasants, that just the slightest of economic breezes can knock down. And, yet, the system, might as well take advantage of it. I’ve lost count how many times on social media or streaming services I am face fucked with an ad that starts with, “In these trying times…” Why the crapping hell are you trying to sell me something?! You know I don’t have any money. Like, read the room, ad. We all lost our jobs and can’t go outside!

And, yet, the ads persist. The beast is hungry and demands consumers. So, ol’ Blazer is going to stop complaining and start selling...

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Green Room Diaries: Three Tips For New Stoners

by Stoned Cold Sativa Awesome

Green Room Diaries: Three Tips For New Stoners

Well, the word is officially out—if you leave the house, you’re going to die.

Okay, maybe that’s a bit extreme, but as a "journalist," I feel that it is my duty to exaggerate claims with the goal of inducing anxiety and causing readers to panic. Thankfully, there’s a substance that can help with this whole hysteria and it’s called cannabis...

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Dead Leaves In The Sun: Chapter 3

by CM Brown

Dead Leaves In The Sun: Chapter 3

I didn’t start with the clubs. Instead, I went back to the morgue.

As I headed downtown, a few stray leaves blew around like street kids hitting you up for change and cigarettes. I took a deep breath, before pulling open the medieval doors, saluting security and sending my keys and belt down that long perp walk through the x-ray machine.

I snapped on blue gloves, pulled on a face mask and got to looking. The bracelet was still there and was indeed made of bits of compressed carbon. I patted myself on the back...

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W.A.P.U. (Wet-Ass Pussy University)

by Zeke Herrera

W.A.P.U. (Wet-Ass Pussy University)

The ancient Sumarians referred to W.A.P. as “Dispu tubu hallu hashallatu,” which literally translates to mean “honey from the meat leaves." Early fossil records show that wet-ass pussies have been around since 3400 B.C., but some evidence suggests that the early neanderthals had the gush bush over 40,000 years ago. W.A.P.s have been influencing our society longer than pyramids, aliens or even sandwiches. Yet, they remain a mystery to nerds. In this article, we will be answering some of the bigger questions like, “Where did they come from?” “Who’s got one?” and “Where should I keep my mop and bucket?”...

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It’s Finally Here: A List Of The Best Bands That Your Much Older Ex-Boyfriend Got You Into

by Stephanie Anderson

It’s Finally Here: A List Of The Best Bands That Your Much
Older Ex-Boyfriend Got You Into

Hey ’yall.

Do you remember that time you dated that man who was much older than you?

You kind of kept it a secret from your friends—even from yourself, in a way. Maybe it was that he seemed more established in the world, less emotional and stupid than guys your age. Or, maybe it was the context around dating an older man as "taboo" that turned you on. Anyways, it was 2015 back then. Obama was still president, you were 22. Yeah. Its not that weird...

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